a concert by The Art Critics Orchestra (D)

Date: 12th September 2009, 8 p.m

Location: Kertem, 1146 Budapest, Olof Palme sétány 3.

Founded in 2004 in Berlin The Art Critics Orchestra (ACO) is made up of five musicians who all work in the field of fine art, and produce their music as a kind of revenge: 'Punk for adults' (art Kunstmagazin). Ever since it was founded the band has played live, writing their own material as well as collecting artists‘ songs, many of which were written specifically for the band by artists such as Dave Allen, Christian Jankowski, Ross Sinclair, Annika Ström, Carsten Nicolai, John Miller, Elke Krystufek, a.o.

Some of the songs reached the band as a phoned in description of a concept, others arrived as proper songs, others again, were rough sketches which the band took over and gave them a rock'n'roll overhaul.

As of this fall the latest CD of the band will hit the shelves of a few record stores, a veritable Kraut-Rock album, with all songs composed by the band themselves, giving it back to the art scene in their own words.

The band consists of:
- Singer Agnes Wegner, who is an organizer of large scale art exhibitions, currently working for the Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin. - Andreas Schlaegel plays drums and sings, he is a regular contributor to, among others, Flash Art, Contemporary, Spike Quarterly and Praesens.
- Raimar Stange plays bass guitar and contributes regularly to Kunstbulletin, Springerin, Artist and recently published his book Insight-Inside, a survey of the influence of post-war art galleries on the understanding of contemporary art.
- Laura Oldenbourg plays keyboards, and is a freelance graphic designer, working for example for Mute Magazine in London.
- Micz Flor plays guitar and provides vocals, when he isn't busy as editor or media project manager, such as the Hybrid Workspace for Documenta X.

For their show in Budapest the ACO has invited players of the art scene in Budapest to collaborate with them, staying in tune with the original intention of sharing the responsibility of art.


Link: www .artcriticsorchestra.com


Collaborating partner:



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